


effect create_artifact_pedestal_justinian_effect = { OWNER = this } Crown of Justinian(台座。拜占庭圣物,直辖+1)


effect create_artifact_skull_cap_charlemagne_effect = { OWNER = this } Skull Cap of Charlemagne(台座。加洛林家族圣物。兵士维护-5%,骑士战力+10%,强力封臣好感+10)

effect create_artifact_pedestal_cup_jamshid_effect = { OWNER = this } Cup of Jamshid(台座。健康巨大增益,敌阴谋成功率-10%)

effect create_artifact_ascalon_effect = { OWNER = this } Ascalon(台座。每级奉献+1军事,相同信仰好感+4,信仰敌对优势+4)

effect create_artifact_spear_of_the_prophet_effect = { OWNER = this } Spear of the Prophet(每位骑士+3%月度虔诚,骑士战力+20%,同信仰氏族制统治者好感+5)

effect create_artifact_pedestal_david_harp_effect = { OWNER = this } David’s Harp(台座。虔诚威望加的不多,骑士数量+2,战力+20%,求爱计谋上限+1,求爱强度+50%)

effect create_artifact_arms_of_alexander_effect = { OWNER = this } Alexander’s Armor(台座。强力封臣好感+10,轻骑兵团+1、维护费-25%、追击+20%)

effect create_artifact_pedestal_al_jabal_effect = { OWNER = this } al-Jabal(台座。每月威望+1,每月宗族威望+4%)

effect create_artifact_aram_effect = { OWNER = this } Aram(台座。每月威望+0.5,宗族威望+5%,草原优势+4,弓骑兵伤害/韧性+20%)

effect create_artifact_zomorrodnegar_effect = { OWNER = this } Shamshir-e Zomorrodnegar(台座。每骑士+0.03虔诚/月,暴政-15%,旱地发展+20%)

effect create_artifact_pedestal_crown_iron_effect = { OWNER = this } Iron Crown of Lombardy(台座。意大利和伦巴地人好感+5,首都发展度+0.02每月)

effect create_artifact_bronze_head_effect = { OWNER = this } Bronze Head(蓝色品质、台座。发展度+5%,宗族威望、威望。)

effect create_artifact_sword_mmaagha_kamalu_effect = { OWNER = this } Mmaagha Kamalu(蓝色品质、台座。每级奉献+1军事。)

effect create_artifact_wall_cid_sword_effect = { OWNER = this } Tizona Sword(蓝色品质、台座。宗族威望+5%,兵士维护费-5%)

effect create_artifact_nikephoros_crown_effect = { OWNER = this } Crown of Nikephoros II Phokas(蓝色品质、台座。每月军事经验+15%,重骑兵维护-10%)

effect create_artifact_pedestal_branch_relic_hinduism_effect = { OWNER = this } Branch of the Tree of Life standing on the rock Alatyr(台座、印度诸教。随机属性)

effect create_artifact_pedestal_branch_relic_slavic_effect = { OWNER = this } Branch of the Tree of Life standing on the rock Alatyr(台座、斯拉夫真理教。随机属性)

effect create_artifact_afarganyu_effect = { OWNER = this } Afarganyu(台座、祆教。沙漠山地、旱地发展+10%,沙漠山地+20%赋税)

effect create_artifact_kantele_effect = { OWNER = this } Ancient Kantele(台座、乌戈教。生育+20%,发展度+20%,私人计谋+10%成功率,登船花费-20%)

effect create_artifact_sculpture_ark_of_covenant_effect = { OWNER = this } Ark of the Covenant(家具、犹太/基督/伊斯兰。每月宗族威望+5%,虔诚+2,直辖地收入+15%,神职好感+10)

effect create_artifact_sculpture_babr_e_bayan_effect = { OWNER = this } Babr-e Bayan(家具。宗族威望+5%,军队维护-5%,沙漠山地/旱地+20%赋税)

effect create_artifact_sutta_pitaka_effect = { OWNER = this } Sutta Pitaka(书籍。宗族威望+5%,学识生活方式经验+15%)

effect create_artifact_kaves_apron_effect = { OWNER = this } Kave’s Apron(通用旗帜。威望、宗族威望,军队维护费-5%,民众好感+5。)

effect create_artifact_wall_banner_kaviani_effect = { OWNER = this } Kaviani Battle Standard(伊朗文化支柱。宗族威望+0.04/月,波斯人好感+5,民众好感+5)

effect create_artifact_wall_banner_thankfulness_effect = { OWNER = this } Banner of Thankfulness(旗帜、伊斯兰教。兵士维护费-10%,骑士团雇佣-25%,对同宗教优势+5,重步兵/轻骑兵伤害+10%)

effect create_artifact_peacock_throne_effect = { OWNER = this } Peacock Throne(御座。每级威望+1外交/学识,宗族威望+5%,首都发展+0.05/月)

effect create_artifact_turquoise_throne_effect = { OWNER = this } Turquoise Throne(御座。每级威望+1管理/外交,宗族威望+5%,领地首都发展+0.05/月)

effect create_artifact_throne_charlemagne_effect = { OWNER = this } Throne of Charlemagne(御座。属性随机,可以刷直辖+1)

effect create_artifact_throne_scone_effect = { OWNER = this } Stone of Scone(御座。属性随机,可以刷直辖+1,固定盖尔人、苏格兰人好感+5)

effect create_artifact_throne_solomon_effect = { OWNER = this } Throne of Solomon(御座、犹太/基督/伊斯兰。属性随机,可以刷直辖+1)

effect create_artifact_qadib_al_mulk_effect = { OWNER = this } Qadib al-Mulk(礼器。每级奉献+1学识,威望+0.2,洪泛平原+20%收入)

effect create_artifact_mantle_of_the_prophet_effect = { OWNER = this } Mantle of the Prophet(礼器,伊斯兰教。每月虔诚+25%,每月宗族威望+5%,同信仰直辖领收入+10%)

effect create_artifact_fp2_votive_crowns_effect = { OWNER = this } Votive Crowns of the Goths(蓝色品质、礼器,基督教。符合→每级奉献+1外交,每月虔诚+15%,每月威望-10%;不符合→威望+0.5/月)

effect create_artifact_al_taj_crown_effect = { OWNER = this } al-Taj al-Sharif(头饰。每月威望+1,相同信仰好感+5,洪泛平原发展度+20%)

effect create_artifact_monomachus_crown_effect = { OWNER = this } Monomachus Crown

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